Our Method

In August and September 2024, we are launching the first of our weekend retreats and regular dyad sessions.

Compass amid branches

Charting Your Course

Our individual approach to health and healing is as unique as our genetic code. Some choose to focus on the body, others on the mind. Some find themselves most at home in nature.

Charting Your Course is our first weekend retreat. On this two-day, non-residential weekend retreat you will discover your preferred path to relational wellbeing.

You will learn how to make the most of the activities and tasks in your everyday life to guide you to present moment awareness. Being present is to be in the ordinary reality of our lives. You will learn how to let go of distractions, over-thinking, stress, and anxiety. When you are living in the present, you can relate differently to the past and the future.

During our soft launch, we are offering the weekend retreat and dyad sessions at a discounted rate. We need your feedback and reflections to help us build our programme and create better tools.


Dyads are a contemplative communication exercise between two people. Both people take turns being either the listening partner or the communicating partner. One dyad is 40 minutes long, with each partner communicating for 5 minutes at a time, giving each partner four opportunities to communicate. This exercise comes from the American Charles Berner’s Enlightenment Intensives.

Charting Your Course

What’s included in our first weekend retreat


  • Profiling

    You will use our online diagnostic to determine your wellness lifestyle. It is a series of questions that looks at your wellness to-do list and helps you prioritise your approach. It acts as a compass, as well as creating guardrails on your pathway.

On retreat

  • Prescribing

    You will chart your own course and design a personalised pathway of self-care. Embedded in your everyday life, these activities are your tools in guiding your attention back to the present moment. This is your meditation practice. It is unique to you.

  • Meditation

    Meditation is not mysterious. It is grounded in everyday reality. You will learn that when practised regularly it can be experienced as complete absorption or a state of contemplation. Similar to being in flow state. You will not need to set aside additional time and you will not need devices or headphones.

  • Dyads

    You will receive in-depth instruction of the precisely timed, 40 minute, paired communication for the dyad sessions. Each person takes turns being the listening partner or the communicating partner for five minutes at a time. The changeovers are signalled by a bell. We suggest aiming for one dyad session per week after the retreat.

Post retreat

  • Reflection

    Reflection exercises between dyad sessions are key in understanding how your journey is unfolding and where you might want to make changes to your practice.

  • Ongoing: Support

    You have our support on this journey and you are invited to reach out with any questions that you have. We are growing the Roam Within community and encourage you to connect with it by joining dyad sessions as often as possible.